
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Found out I am pregnant today, 3/4/2011

This post is going to be written in the present tense, but I am not going to post it until many weeks from now.   (The post was written on March 4, 2011).

This morning I found out I am pregnant with our third child.  I can't type the exciting and scary emotions I am feeling right now.  When I found out I was pregnant with Jack, I was scared because it was the GREAT unknown.  What if I didn't like being a mother?  What if I am not any good at it?  I then suffered from antepartum depression until I was 5 months pregnant.  It wasn't fun.  Then my hormones must have shifted because the cloud lifted and I started to enjoy the pregnancy.  I am not going to post my birth story for Jack here (yet), but I will say the pregnancy ended in a c-section.  I recovered and realized that Jack was the thing missing from Doug and my life.  I loved being a mother.  With all my heart.  It took us about 5 months to get pregnant, but we were never really "trying".

Then I found out I was pregnant for Abby when Jack was around 14 months old.  I pretty much freaked out because I wanted them to be at least 2 years apart and they were only going to be 22 months apart.  I quickly accepted it and moved on. Most of Abby's pregnancy was spent chasing a toddler and obsessing over achieving a VBAC.  I was again, at the site of the positive test result scared because I was unsure of handling two young children.  I had my VBAC, met my little (ha!) Abby and immediately realized, I gave Jack the best gift, a sibling.

So, here I am again.  This morning, when I saw the positive result, I didn't get out 2 more tests in disbelief (like I did with the previous 2 pregnancies).  I am not as scared.  I know I can handle multiple children and I had a vaginal birth, so I really think I will be able to enjoy this pregnancy.  I am excited.

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