
Monday, January 27, 2014

2013 Thanksgiving

This year we decided that we did not want to go anywhere for the holidays.  I was not in the mood to drag 3 little kids anywhere so we opted to stay home.  It wound up being a good thing because I got sick with pneumonia.  We invited Paula and Tommy for Thanksgiving (not realizing I was sick at the time) and had a great time.

To start off the holidays Abby had a Thanksgiving party at school.  They sang a song and then had a feast.  It was super cute.  Jack had a party at school, but I didn't think to take any pictures of his party now that he is a big kindergartener. 

Ruth and Dell stopped by the day after Thanksgiving for some of Paula's delicious left overs and it was wonderful seeing them. 

LOVE this picture of Abby

Belated birthday presents from Bunny & Tater

Wyatt LOVED his plane

Jack showing Bunny Angry Birds

Wyatt adopted Tater

Sick mama

Bunny can't visit without making whooping cream

Mee maw and Delli visited!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Jack's camera

We "gave" Jack our super old digital camera.  He loves it.  What I love is downloading the pictures to see what he took pictures of.  Plus, I love how everything is from his view point.  So, there are some out of focus, but we will give him a break since he is only 6.  These are taken fall 2013.


His Lego cake

Perfect height for it

His beloved horseshoe crab

Someone else must have taken this

Hie bike

Bike cables

Great pic!

Cheese dip place