
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Abby gets yogurt tap too

Abby and I decided we needed some frozen yogurt today.
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Monday, June 27, 2011

It's a BOY!

We found Friday we are having another boy!  I could have sworn I was having a girl, the pregnancy is so much like Abby's, but it could be that it is the most recent pregnancy, so I am remembering that.  We are super excited.  We told Jack and Abby and Jack was VERY excited about it.  Well, after I convinced him that I really do have a baby in my belly.  He thought I was kidding.  Once he believed me, he asked, "how is he going to get out?" to which I replied "my vagina" much to Doug's dismay.  I figured I wasn't going to lie.  He got his answer and was on to the next thing in his world.  Oh, when we asked Jack what we should name the baby he told us "Butterpond".  So, that is what Doug has referred to baby boy Mathews ever since.

Today was a first for me feeling Butterpond having hiccups.  It was pretty cute.  I can't wait for Jack and Abby to be able to feel the baby move.  I have been feeling him for the past few weeks, but only internally.  My placenta is anterior (attached at the front of my uterus) so that makes it harder to feel on the outside.

I am way behind on posts.  It is harder with Jack and Abby being home all summer.  Jack has super hero camp this week, so I am taking Abby to the Children's Museum, the pool and Hippo Hop to give her some Abby and Mama time.  I thought about bringing her to get her toenails painted, but realized I didn't want to open that can of worms.  Better to wait until she is older.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

yogurt tap

Jack and I are enjoying a little frozen yogurt today. It is a reward for having a good swim lesson!
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Saturday, June 18, 2011


The last few nights I have been limiting the amount of time I will nurse Abby before bedtime.  She isn't falling asleep at the boob anymore, she falls asleep on her boppy in the crib.  I have been telling her "no more nurse" for a few weeks now to prepare her.  I then cut back to only 5 min on the right side and 15 min on her fav side (left) for 3 nights, then 5 min right & 10 min left for 3 nights and then I dropped the right altogether.  (It hurts like HELL to nurse right now, my nips are SO tender).  Then I did 3 nights of only 10 min and then dropped to 5 min, she actually stopped before the 5 min the last 3 nights and last night, I put her in the crib without nursing and SHE DIDN'T CRY!  I am still nursing her for 5 min before nap, but I can't believe she went down last night without a fuss.  Any other time I have tried it she would go berserk, so I guess she is ready.  I really don't have that much milk since I am pregnant, but she is such a creature of habit. 

Tonight is Furkids' annual party.  It starts at 7pm and I am planning on getting there ON TIME.    She will be two in less than a month and last night was the first time I didn't nurse before bed and tonight will be the first time I have been to someplace on time.  It makes me sad and happy at the same time.  Sad that our nursing is ending, but happy because I really do not want to tandem nurse and it literally KILLS when she latches and nurses for the first minute or two.  I took some picture of us nursing two nights ago with my phone.  I realized I didn't have many of us nursing. 

I never wanted to wean a child and was content with nursing her until 2, but since it is hurting so bad I figured it was time to nudge her to wean.  If she had went nuts, I wouldn't have pushed the issue, but it seems she is ready, as she only nursed 2-4 minutes the last few nights on her own.

I remember when Jack weaned.  He was 17 months and was only nursing before nap.  One day he just told me "no".  I was devastated.   I wasn't ready to be done.  Less than a week later I dream fed him during a nap so I could have my last time.  I cried the whole time.  It is such a big stage in life when your babe weans.  I do have the comfort of knowing I will be back at it again in about 5 months, so perhaps a little break will be nice.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Crib no more

Well, my life has changed.  Again.  Abby climbed out of the crib on Tuesday, June 7th.  I thought I would have a few more months of crib sleeping for her, but nope.  She is now 100% mobile.  So, now when she gets up at 5am, she is UP at 5am.  Ready to play.  No more falling back asleep (only sometimes she would do that in the crib, but still).  The good thing is I will not have to buy another crib for our turkey baby. 

So, we are now on a mission to get Jack a twin bed as he is too big for his toddler bed and let Abby use his toddler bed.  I am not ready for this transition.  How are they growing up so fast?

10 things NOT to say to a stay at home Scott Hassett

 10 things NOT to say to a stay at home Scott Hassett

1. When the kids are older, do you think you'll get a real job?

2. How June Cleaver of you!

3. Oh, so you don't work?

4. Since you have extra time on your hands, could you whip up a few dozen brownies for the bake sale tomorrow?

5. All day with your kids? I can't even imagine.

6. I'm jealous. I wish my husband were rich so I wouldn't have to work either.

7. What do you do all day, anyway?

8. I'm sure you're not the only one who's ever wasted money on a college degree.

9. That explains why your son is so clingy!

10. Weird. I assumed your house would be superclean.

The sad thing is have had most all of these said to me at some point.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

May 2011 yard pictures

We mainly hangout front and play.  Doug built a fire one day, that was a big hit with Jack.  That boy loves anything outdoors.

I had to show off her pig tails

Blurry, but cute


Having fun

Making sure Jack isn't watching

Jack loading up the fire

Tossing in the sticks

Realizing how hot it is

Jack is a working man

He loves to dig

Abby thinks it looks like a good place to lie down

Wait, this is itchy??

Abby thinks her brother is a little nutty for laying on the grass

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kim from ICAN's Farm, May 16th, 2011

My friend, Kim on ICAN lives on a farm in Forsthe City, GA.  I pulled Jack from school and we headed down to the farm.  She has two pigs, a cow, calf, parrot & 4 horses.  Kim setup bouncey houses and made it an ICAN playdate.  We had a FABULOUS time and can't wait for the next one.

Before Jack realized it was motorized

Abby LOVED the playhouses

Jack ran the battery dead

What more could a child want?

Jack had a blast on the jeep

Kim's daughter Kalli

ICANers and Ziggy the pig

Abby was fascinated

Super cute shot

Abby wanted on the tractor

Abby loved the horses

She climbed up herself

Horses?  Who cares, I have a jeep!

Talking bird

Pumpkin the cow

Her baby, Larry

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 15th, 2011 Mason Mill Park

We couldn't figure out what to do one Sunday, so we headed over to Mason Mill Park.  It was recently renovated and is a great park.