
Friday, August 26, 2011

Super busy

I have been super slack with updating my blog.  In the month of August, we have/are going on 3 beach trips and I have to pack up our entire house to be out by the middle of September.  Needless to say, by the evening, I am exhausted.  So, I will work on some posts in the next few weeks.

I also wanted to give an update on Butterpond.  He is measuring right on target so hopefully he won't be 10 lbs! Also, he has been in a frank breech position for my last 2 appts.  If he is still breech for my next appt I will have Dr Tate do a version.  He flipped Abby at 37 weeks so a flip at 33 shouldn't be too bad.  If the little booger stays breech it looks like I will be having a breech 2VBAC.  Lord knows I can't have an easy birth/delivery.