
Monday, May 28, 2012


So, I found a great website today,  I can't remember if I have blogged about my diet restrictions in regards to feeding Wyatt and I am too lazy to look back so this could be a repeat post.  Any rate, the list of things I can't eat because they wreck havoc on Wyatt are:

Citrus (Minimal OJ, etc)
Anything gassy

Oh, and I am gluten free.  So, you would think I would be skinny.  Well, I am not.  If he couldn't tolerate peanut butter or chips than I would be.  People ask me all the time when I am going to wean him.  I'm not.  It isn't his fault he can't have those things.  I am sure he would rather be a normal happy little baby, not one writhing in pain when I accidentally have hummus forgetting there is garlic in it.  Oh, and the gas.  It is room clearing.  I hope he will grow out of it, but at his 6 month appt I had to have Mark (our ped) increase his Prevacid because he was getting so refluxy again.  He is on 3/4 tablet twice a day with Zantac as a rescue med if needed on a bad day or Mylanta if it isn't a bad day.  It isn't like he isn't thriving.  He weighed 19 lbs 12 oz at his 6 month appt (still not as big as Abby who was 22 lbs).  So, hopefully he will grow out of it.  So far he hasn't.

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