
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Locked in!

So, Doug swapped the door knob around on Jack and Abby's room so we could lock him in to keep him from coming out of his room 100 times at night.   Which, we have only tried once and it really freaks him out, so it isn't working.  Anywho, yesterday I was nursing Abby and Jack was in there for his "quiet time", since he dropped his nap this past week.  (Lovely he would do this to me the week before Christmas).  Anyway, I was sitting there nursing when Jack got up, told me he had to go potty, closed the door and LOCKED it.  Abby had just fallen asleep so I put her in the crib.  I went to go unlock the door, but found out it wasn't one that you could unlock with a coin (like ALL of our other door knobs).  It was a keyed lock.  Damn! 

Luckily I had my cell phone, (I use it to check out Facebook, etc while nursing), so I called Doug.  He didn't hear his phone because he was on his bike trainer and it is extremely loud. It sounds like a jet engine, just so you know how loud it is.  So, I start banging on the door, quietly at first because I don't want to wake Abby.  I then started BANGING on the door and calling for Jack. At this point, I was livid.  Jack wouldn't come open the door. 

I then called my neighbor Dell, to see if she was home and could come unlock the door.  She wasn't, she was at Walmart.  Although, she did think it was hilariously funny.  I told her it really wasn't and it might be in 5 hrs but right then I was pretty angry.  I kept banging and Jack finally came and unlocked it.  I can't believe Abby slept through it all but she did.  Even though this was yesterday, it still hasn't gotten to be funny yet.  Maybe next year.  I did find the key to the door knob and put it on Jack's bookcase.  Mama is not going to be out-smarted again.  Well, at least not for the next week or so.

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