
Monday, September 24, 2012


The last few nights I have been working on putting Wyatt down awake in his crib to have him fall asleep on his own.  I must say it has been a success.  I must also say I can't believe he has done it.  At first he cried a little, but I would go back in there and nurse him if I needed to (I don't believe in cry it out) but now he will just go to sleep.  It is amazing.  I didn't want to get myself in the situation I was with Abby.  I was the only person to get her to sleep for 22 months.  Ugh.  So, now we need to work on him taking in breastmilk and then going to sleep.  The last time we tried it he didn't go for it.  I think instead of trying a bottle, we will give him a sippy cup.  Then I can make plans to be anywhere at anytime!!   Whohoo!!!  A little bit of freedom!

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